Tuesday, 28 May 2013

New Family on the ENM Compound

We want to introduce you all to our new resident family on the Eagles Nest Compound......

William, Precious, Deborah, Janet
Dad & Precious...not quite sure yet!

Deborah trying out the new swing

This is their new home on the grounds.  It is located near the front gate.

William's first ever use of a power tool!  He liked it!

William and Janet have been living in Nairobi, where William was working as a part time guard.  They have both been very active at Calvary Chapel Nairobi.   William served as an Elder and taught a "Foundations of the Faith" class to new believers after church on Sunday.  Janet loves to minister to women and has been leading a women's Bible study and she also helps to lead the morning worship time in Swahili and English.

We are planning our first Isaiah 6:8 Conference for men who God is leading to start new churches in Kenya, and William will be doing the translating for Gary as he teaches.  We are very excited to have them here to assist with security, all the needs on the property, and become involved with Calvary Chapel Eldoret.  

Monday, 6 May 2013


On May 4th we helped Calvary Chapel Eldoret with an evangelistic crusade in one of the poor communities outside the city.  It was a challenging time of sharing Jesus with a wide range of people.  God was ever faithful to provide all we needed.  Even the rains held off until we shared with hundreds of people, knowing for sure that we left Kamukunji with 27 brand new Christians!

We will be doing crusades every two weeks for the next three months in similar types of communities.  Pray for Calvary Chapel Eldoret and Eagles nest Ministry as we reach out to those in need of Jesus.

Here are a few pictures........  We will be placing more on our website soon.  We hope that you will pray with us as God appears to be opening a floodgate of opportunities for Eagles Nest Ministry.

excited to have visitors

Stephanie was never alone!

Looking down the hill into the village (Josh on left w/guitar)

Fred with ICM inviting in Kiswahili all to come

Tent used for prayer and counseling...many came

Hundreds of kids!

Dancing to the music

Hillside view of the village

Steve and Nate (right edge of pix) sharing Jesus

Explaining salvation (our Subaru in background)

Lena, from Germany sharing Christ

Steve, Faith, Gary

Friday, 3 May 2013

The Power of God's Word

This will be one of those experiences that defy a worthy explanation!  Since arriving in Kenya in 2011 we have seen God work in amazing ways, and we have seen how powerful His Word can be.  We also have experienced first hand spiritual warfare and demonic battles.  But what we are going to share is beyond complete understanding (humanly speaking).

A good friend, and fellow Kenyan missionary (Fred) is part of an organization (ICM) that teaches Inductive Bible Study to pastors and church leadership throughout Kenya.  At the invitation of this particular church; Fred went to meet with the leadership of this village church.

What he discovered caused him to evaluate just how beneficial (or not) Inductive Bible Study might be for this group.  You see, he had been invited to a Kenyan church organization that believes very strongly in dreams and visions. In fact, when they meet weekly on Saturday from 6am to 9am (more on that later),  they sing, dance, pray, and ask people to share their dreams and/or visions.  In the last 5 minutes someone is picked to read a Scripture and then say whatever they want about anyone......in less than 5 minutes they are finished!

This particular "denomination" has been in existence since 1927 and this is the way they have always done "church."  The leadership is made up of uneducated men & women who feel strongly about their church and what they do.  The Arch Bishop is the head of the churches (not sure how many churches but they said there are about 4,000 people throughout Kenya), Secretary General is second in command, Bishops come next, and the various levels of pastors, elders and church leadership.  All recognized by their appearance; hats, crosses, gowns, etc.

The question that our missionary friend had was "What do they want me to do?"  They have had no interest in Scripture, and they definitely do not teach from the Bible...... They don't even know how to teach God's Word!  Lord, how can I use this situation to bring You the glory?

Long story short.... Fred was asked to teach them how to study the Bible.  They set a date for him to return and teach level one of IBS.  When he had finished those 3 days of solid teaching he was approached by the Arch Bishop who said, "We have heard many things from the Bible that we did not know.  We want you to come back and teach the next level to us."

That is exactly what he did!  In fact, on the last day of level two training Eagles Nest Ministry attends and teaches part of the day.  ENM comes in behind IBS to take the church on the next phase of their Spiritual journey of understanding the Bible.  Gary attended with the missionary and had an amazing finish to the training.  ENM will now return several times to help them build a Biblically based Christian church.

It's exciting to see how God draws people who want to know Him but stumble not knowing how that is done.  So here we have a number of people wanting to know God and are asking for help in understanding who He is.  So solely through the Word they are discovering who He is.  Seems the Lord is placing us in the birthing of a church.  How awesome is that!

Gary spent 4 hours teaching the last day on "The whole counsel of God, Stewardship, and a Q & A time.  It was obvious to see that they are hungry for the Word and want to change!  This is the most powerful example of the Holy Spirit working that we have seen yet!  Gary made a point bringing them all to a point of understanding salvation through Romans and extended an invitation to receive Christ if they had not.  No one came forward but we will let God work on those hearts not reached yet.

Just one of the guys!

We told you words would not properly explain what God is doing, and what He is asking us to be part of.  They know change is needed..... after 86 years of the same wrong direction.  All of the Bishops throughout Kenya will be coming together on May 12th to discuss what God is doing amongst them as the Holy Spirit convicts them of the wrong teachings and understanding of the Christian church.  It is going to be a very difficult road, but there is no turning back now!

Let us stop there and ask you to pray.   Pray for this church organization as they are being directed by the Holy Spirit to become a Church that teaches the Word of God.  Please pray for ENM as we enter into uncharted spiritual waters and walk fully against the enemy.  We know there will be warfare like never before.  But it is so very exciting to see the Holy Spirit touching hearts and drawing this church to Himself.  Gary had his first "incident" driving home that night.  He was passing another vehicle who decided to move towards him while traveling about 70.....their side mirrors  collided!

Pray also for our missionary friend, Fred,  as he already has several more churches wanting training.  We are committed to coming alongside to lead them into deeper spiritual learning and practical application of Scripture in their ministries.  Fred needs support!  You can find him at Intensive Care ministries under staff.  Something to pray about!

Here a few pictures of their "graduation" from IBS training.........

Two Bishops with their crosses

Three women leaders in their robes

Graduates from level two IBS

Two leaders, Arch Bishop, Bishop

Gary brought Ben (from US) to experience the day!
Albert on Left, is leading the change.  Pray for him.

All attendee and graduates

That's the road?
We actually did drive down that path with five in our little Subaru!
Did we hear someone say "Land Cruiser?"

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


God has parted the waters of Kenyan paperwork, and we have crossed over onto legal ground!

One of the great things about celebrating is FOOD.  We decided the best way to begin Eagles Nest Ministry was to have an open house.  You see, our home also doubles as our ministry location, so it was only right to invite those in Eldoret who we minister with as well as those we intend to minister to.

This is Chef Ben!  Ben is here with Calvary Chapel Eldoret until August.  Be in prayer for him as he returns to the US with hopes of returning to Kenya soon.  Since he is a chef by trade we commandeered him to cook a gourmet dinner for 40+ guests.

 Now, understand that most things do not go according to plan in Kenya.  That's just life here.  Well, Chef Ben is preparing Tamarind glazed stuffed chicken breasts for everyone, plus chicken strips for the children (there will be 14).  Our little oven will only hold one pan at a time, which makes it a real challenge.
This is how we cooked the seasoned rice for 40 people!  Outside on a propane cooker.  Don't try this at home kids....

Ben also prepared a black bean salad which ended up being Kidney bean salad because we could not find black beans...oh well!  It was great anyway.

If you are considering the mission field let us warn you of something......many of the wives are terrific cooks!  We wanted everyone to bring their best gourmet dessert (so we would have something sweet after the chicken) to be judged by Chef Ben.  It was absolutely amazing to see and taste what was brought to the open house.

Can you smell the sweetness!

Chef Ben sizing up the entries and preparing to "taste"

Some of the anxious cooks awaiting Chef Ben's final choice.

We have a winner!  It was an amazing many layered chocolate cake brought by one of the pilots!

It was a great time of fellowship with a great group of people that we trust our lives with
as we minister together in Kenya.  We have several crusades planned over the next few months with
Calvary Chapel Eldoret.  Gary will be teaching at a church in Western Kenya on Thursday, Chris is teaching
the ladies and Gary is preparing to begin a Monday night men's study.

Our new web site is up and "crawling" as we develop it little by little.  You can see what we are doing at http://enmkenya.org

Continue to pray for all aspects of ministry as we trust God to continue to provide.
Gary & Chris Bailey
Eagles Nest Ministry